Member-only story
Friendship’s Spectrum
A Journey Through the Intricate Bonds of Mean, Snakes, and Ambitious Friends

We all cherish our friendships, don’t we? They bring color to our lives, providing us with an array of experiences and emotions.
However, my friends are a bit different from each other, each presenting their own set of quirks and complexities.
Type 1: The Mean Ones
In my class, there exists a group of friends who sometimes fall into what I can only describe as the “mean” category.
It’s perplexing because when they find themselves in need of assistance with homework or any other matter, they have no qualms about reaching out to me.
Messages, calls, texts — they’ll use any means necessary to get my attention. Yet, when the roles are reversed, and it’s my turn to seek help or just share a friendly moment, they mysteriously transform into strangers. It’s disheartening and seems rather unfair, doesn’t it?
These friends, it appears, can be rather self-centered, putting their needs above others.
Type 2: The Snakes
Now, this particular group may seem a tad odd, but I’ve come to affectionately call them the “snakes.” Why, you ask? Well, it’s because they can be…